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Weekend Check In

"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."



A theme of this course is communicating.  Too often I get answer from students that sound like, "Nothing" or "I did'n't do anything."  "I don't know."  Being able to give a detailed resonse to any question will prove to be useful in life.  This takes practice.  



After a weekend or a break you will be required to share something you did.


1.  Briefly describe what you did throughout the weekend.




2.  Briefly describe one thing you did with detail.


It does not matter if you did nothing on the weekend.  If all you did was sleep and watch TV that is fine.  Share that with some detail.


Ex.  I didn't have any plans for the weekend so I stayed up late and slept in till 11am on both Saturday and Sunday.  It was really nice.  I mostly just watched TV.  Nothing was all that great.  I probably enjoyed the Breaking Bad episodes most.  That is my favourite show.

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